DMC Vienna

DZK Travel DMC Vienna Expert in events, incentives, conferences and groups

At Dizak Ketex, we have offices in different countries in Central Europe. In Vienna we opened an office 5 years ago after we ran groups in this beautiful city for several years with great success. Our focus at DZK is corporate communication, team motivation, thank-you trips, products launches and events. We are a solid company, but think on our feet and come up with the best and most creative ideas. At DMC Vienna, we would love to show you what our beautiful city has on offer for your clients and organise your event to perfection.

More about DMC Vienna

Please visit our DMC Austria page, which includes testimonials and a map of Austria. You will also find more info about me, Olivier Roman. 

dmc vienna logo

Est. 2006
DZK Travel DMC Vienna
Webgasse 9/1/25
1060 Vienna

for groups and MICE to Vienna

Events and incentives in Vienna

Event DMC Vienna

event dmc vienna eating in historic train

Music event DMC Vienna

event vienna royal opera house

Incentive DMC Vienna

incentive vienna treasure hunt through vienna

Why Vienna is such a great destination


Once the capital of the Habsburger dynasty, Vienna is almost too big for its boots. The city is chock-a-block filled with treasures – from imperial palaces, baroque buildings, stately fountains, art museums, coffee houses, and to top it all, more than 50 percent of Vienna is green, so there are plenty of grand old parks to stroll through.

The Danube river meanders through Vienna which means  river banks and beaches (more than 40 kilometers of beach!!!!!) are close by. Here you can relax, spend time at the beach cafes and restaurants, or play sports.

It makes Vienna the perfect setting for great events and incentives, where we can easily combine sailing or water biking with a city treasure hunt through the old town.  At DMC Vienna, we would be delighted to show you the best that our city has to offer.

Program ideas Vienna

A tour of Schönbrunn Palace, the Imperial family’s former summer residence. A tour of Maria Theresa’s or Rudolph’s private rooms.

In the course of the morning, with DZK, DMC Vienna you will you’ll learn the secrets of apple strudel, which is popular all over Central Europe.

Lunch in a typical Viennese café and departure for a rally through the city. Equipped with iPads, guests will explore the city and its secrets. Tasting of local products, a unique palace tour, and an encounter with picturesque characters.

For the evening, we will open the dates to a sumptuous city palace: Kinsky Palace, a Baroque masterpiece.
On the program this evening: the waltz! The evening starts with professional dancers who open the dancing before inviting participants to join them.

Departure for the outskirts of Vienna in vintage automobiles and exploration of the magnificent landscapes of the Wienerwald region. Several stops are planned at castles and abbeys. Possibility of arranging a wine tasting in the vineyards. Participants drive the automobiles themselves.

Art Nouveau Ferris Wheel

We invite you to ride to the top of the Art Nouveau Ferris Wheel (built in 1896) for one last, magnificent view of the city.

• For the gala evening, guests may wear historic Biedermeier costumes.
• Relax on the banks of the Danube: surrounded by gardens, green spaces, restaurants with riverside terraces, promenades for pedestrians and cyclists, the Old Danube is a first-rate place for incentive activities, especially for water sports.

This and other programs, we can offer you at DZK DMC Vienna

program idea vienna learning the waltz
program idea vienna
program idea vienna ferris wheel
program idea vienna vintage cars driving

Our Destination Management Services in Vienna

DZK Travel DMC Vienna – your Destination Management Company in Vienna specializes in:

Conferences, Conventions, Congresses, Conference Logistics, Corporate Functions, Corporate Group Travel, Corporate Meetings, Corporate Travel, Events, Event support services, Gala Dinners, Guides, Ground handling, Hotel Bookings, Local Excursions, Meetings, Meeting venues, Product Launches, Restaurant venues, Reward trips, Seminars, Special Interest Groups, Teambuilding Events, Themed Dinners, Transport, Stimulation and Motivation trips, Venue finding

Travel Facts Vienna

Travel facts

Where is Austria?

Austria is a landlocked country bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west

Currency EURO
Language German
Local time GMT (London) + 1.00hours
Public holidays Public holidays in Austria
Travel Facts


Vienna originated in Roman times, when the Romans established the military camp Vindobona. It was not until the thirteenth century, when it fell into the hands of the powerful Habsburg family, the city took a boom that could not hinder the Ottoman threat, Hungarian occupation, plagues, the Thirty Years War or the occupation by Napoleon’s troops!

Today this beautiful old city is characterised by the abundance of Baroque buildings created mostly under the rule of Empress Maria Theresia (1740 – 1780) and Franz Joseph (1848 – 1916), who was largely responsible for the monumental architecture in the city’s centre.

Then it became the capital of the empire of Austria, and experienced a spectacular development during the nineteenth century.

Thus, we discover the historic center, dotted with evidence of its medieval past and memories recalling its rank of capital of empire …
by DZK DMC Vienna

Must-Sees in Vienna

On a trip along the Ringstrasse, you pass the Vienna State Opera, the Museum of Art History and its counterpart, the Museum of Natural History, the Parliament, the Burgtheater, and the City Hall.

Right in the heart of the city, the Gothic St. Stephen’s Cathedral casts its shadows through narrow cobblestone streets. The palaces and parks of the Habsburg era – Schönbrunn Palace with the Gloriette and the zoo, Belvedere Palace, and the Hofburg palace – give the city an imperial air, enriched by beautiful buildings from the Art Nouveau period.


The locals named it the „city’s stomach“.
Created in the 18th century, it is the biggest market in Vienna.

Opened from Monday to Saturday, it welcomes you to discover the tastes of Vienna and beyond !
Indeed you will find there specialties from Austria but also from other Mediterranean, European as well as Asian countries

Spanish Riding School
The famous Spanish Riding School which features the Lipizzaner horses
The Lipizzan or Lipizzaner is a horse breed named for the Lipizza Stud of the Habsburg monarchy.

Some other highlights

Schönbrunn Palace

Together with the zoological garden the Schönbrunn Palace and its park are one of the top attractions of  Vienna. It is one of the most visited places in Austria.

Originally a hunting lodge from the 17th century, it became he biggest palace in Austria, which served as an imperial summer residence in Vienna.

Hofburg Palace
You can find this palace  in the centre of Vienna. The former palace was once home to the Habsburgs  until 1918 – and remains one of the grandest buildings of its kind

St Stephen’s Cathedral
The catheral is the symbol of the city, built in the 12th century. You can climb up the 343 steps all the way to the top see some unforgettable views. Don’t forget to visit the catacombs.

This gorgeous indoor pool you will find in the 10th district.
The pool was built in the 1920s and took its architecturally inspiration  from the Roman baths.

The interior blends Art Deco and Art Nouveau design to stunning effect

Vienna’s giant Ferris wheel

You can see this giant Ferris wheel for miles around since 1897. It is localed in the Prater park when it was built
 to mark Emperor Franz Joseph’s 50 years on the throne.

Shopping in The Graben
The Graben  is an exclusive  shopping street in the heart of the inner city. It dates back to Roman times and it is surrounded by popular alleys, streets and places like Stephansplatz, Kohlmarkt, Naglergasse, Tuchlauben and Petersplatz.

Belvedere Museum. …
Opera Performance. …

And don’t forget to enjoy the Viennese Coffee and some lovely cake.

Sacher Torte
Although chocolate cake was not invented in Vienna, the legendary Sacher Torte was.

Baked for the first time in 1832 by the clever baker’s apprentice Franz Sacher, the cake was impressive above all for its taste and design. But the person responsible for the Sacher Torte, which became the most famous of all chocolate cakes, was his son, Eduard Sacher.

By the end of the nineteenth century he had made the Sacher Torte a household name nearly everywhere, thus launching its unparalleled success story. For recipe check below.

Vienna: City of Music

Home to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, we have one of the best orchestras in the world. Each year there is a New Years Day Concert, held at the Golden Hall of the Musikverein every year on the 1st of January.

The Vienna Boy’s Choir inspires music lovers around the globe with their great voices.

In addition to classical music, Vienna offers jazz fans unique concerts at the Porgy & Bess jazz club, but fans of the electronic music scene can also find their rhythm at unusual locations such as the Danube Canal or the Praterstern.

As your DMC Vienna, we would love to put together the most amazing programs for you and your clients

Sachertorte in our city

When 16-year-old apprentice chef Franz Sacher created the Sachertorte cake at the court of Prince Metternich in 1832, little did he know the impact his cake would have on chocolate lovers worldwide. The recipe for the Original Sacher-Torte is a well-kept secret, known only to confectioners at Hotel Sacher in Vienna.

How to make it:
Step 1:
Melt the chocolate slowly (ideally in a bain-marie). Meanwhile, mix the butter with the icing sugar and vanilla sugar until creamed. Gradually stir in the egg yolks. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C / 356°F.

Step 2:
Grease a cake tin with butter and sprinkle with flour. Whip up the egg whites with a pinch of salt, add the crystal sugar and beat to a stiff peak. Stir the melted chocolate into the paste with the egg yolks and fold in the whipped egg whites alternately with the flour. Fill the dough into the tin and bake for around 1 hour.

Step 3:
Remove the cake and leave to cool off (to achieve a flat surface turn the cake out on to a work surface immediately after baking and turn it again after 25 minutes).
If the apricot jam is too solid, heat it briefly, and stir until smooth, before flavouring with a shot of rum. Cut the cake in half crosswise. Cover the base with jam, set the other half on top, and coat the upper surface and around the edges with apricot jam.

Step 4:
For the glaze, break the chocolate into small pieces. Heat up the water with the sugar for a few minutes. Pour into a bowl and leave to cool down until just warm to the taste (if the glaze is too hot it will become dull in appearance, but if too cold it will become too viscous). Add the chocolate and dissolve in the sugar solution. Pour the glaze quickly, i.e. in a single action, over the cake and immediately spread it out and smooth it over the surface, using a palate knife or other broad-bladed knife. Leave the cake to dry at room temperature.

Serve with a garnish of whipped cream. If possible, do not store the Sachertorte in the fridge, as it will “sweat”.


Dizak Ketex (DZK DMC Vienna), we also have office in Prague, Budapest and Bucharest

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